Approval of Medical Store For Practical Training of D.Pharm Candidates | Detail by PCI

Approval of Medical Store For Practical Training of D.Pharm Candidates | Detail by PCI

Approval of Medical Store (Pharmacy) for giving Practical Training to D.Pharm Students under –
i) regulation 20 (3) of Education Regulations, 1991 for the Diploma course in Pharmacy.
ii) regulation 4.4 of the Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015.
This has a reference to the subject cited above. In this connection. it is informed that under regulation 20 (3) of Education Regulations, 1991 for the Diploma course in Pharmacy and regulation 4.4 of the Pharmacy Practice Regulations. 2015. there is a requirement that a Pharmacy, Chemists and Druggists shall seek prior approval of the
PCI for the purpose of giving practical training to student pharmacists.

The matter was considered by 106″ Central Council of the PCI in its meeting held in April, 2019 which decided that –
In view of the above statutory provisions, the said Pharmacy, Chemists & Druggists shall seek the prior approval of PCI & provide the following information-

Below are the details for How to Approve a Medical Store by PCI for Training of D.Pharm Candidate

1.Whether the Pharmacy/Chemists & Druggists is licenced under the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945 framed under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act. 1940. If yes. a copy of valid licence.
2. Following details of the registered pharmacist working in the said Pharmacy –

  • a, name
  • b. a copy of the qualification certificate.
  • c. acopy of valid registration certificate.

3. Details of the students trained under the said registered pharmacist-

  • a. name of the student.
  • b. name of the institution where he has undergone the Diploma / Degree in pharmacy.
  • c. certification as to whether during the course of the practical training, the trainee was given an exposure to —

(i) Working knowledge of keeping of records required by various Acts concerning the profession of Pharmacy, and
(ii) Practical experience in-

  • (a) the manipulation of pharmaceutical appartus in common use.
  • (b) the reading, translation and copying of prescription including checking of doses;
  • (c) the dispensing of prescription illustrating the commoner methods of administering medicaments; and
  • (d) the storage of drugs and medical preparations.

4. Dates of training —

From (date) To (date)

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