Career as Trademark agent

Career as Trademark agent

Trademark agent is a certified specialist of Trademark law in India.

Current Status of trademark agents: As per the annual report of Indian trademark office Total number of registered trademark agents as on 1st June 2017 was 434. So you can assume how much shortage of certified trademark agent in India. That’s why a certified trademark agent can get higher salary even as a fresher.

How to become a Trademark agent in India

Any person must pass the trademark agent exam conduct by the Indian patent office every year.

Eligibility: Undergraduate of science & technology such as B.Pharm, B.Tech etc

Salary of trademark agent: Start from approximately 5 lakh per annum

Option for work

A trademark agent can work in following companies

  • IPR of office of Pharma, Automobile, Chemical, Food, electronic industries etc
  • Can start his/her consultancy

The pattern of Trademark agent exam:  It consists of one paper which has three-part

  • Part-A= Consists of 50 questions (short answer type)
  • Part-B = Consists of 4 questions, each carrying 5 marks. Candidates are required to attempt any
  • Part-C= Consists of 4 questions, each carrying 10 marks. Candidates are required to attempt any

Get Old paper of Trademark agent examination: Click Here 

Current job opening for trademark officers: Click Here 

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