Clinical Research Training Programme Fellowships by DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance (India Alliance)

This Clinical Research Training Programme (CRTP) aims to develop Physician Scientists as a way forward for improving clinical and public health research ecosystems in India.
The programme would fund 3 to 4-year mentored research training fellowships for medical graduates (MBBS) and post-graduates (MD/MS/equivalent) to:
– Integrate basic and clinical/public health research
– Provide instruction and training in research design, research ethics, and statistical analysis through mentored research training
– Provide training opportunities in diverse areas of research relevant to India’s health priorities
– Provide knowledge and skills to prepare trainees for careers in health research.
The selected trainees would be part of the India Alliance Fellows network and would be eligible for other training programmes open to them.
Though not mandatory, the programme strongly encourages international collaboration. It also encourages the trainee to receive MPhil and/or, PhD degree or other certification at the exit point. The certification would be the responsibility of the sponsoring institution.
The CRTP will be administered embedded within the Clinical/Public Health Research Centres (CRCs)
Institutional CRCs may apply for the programme to compete for fellowships, clearly justifying the numbers and providing a training plan. It is expected that the training of each Fellow would utilize the strength of the grouping instead of being restricted to a single institution. The institutions getting the award would select the Fellows based on the mandate and provisions of the CRTP. Applications for CRTP would not be entertained from individuals.
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The CRTP is aimed at developing physician scientists by providing mentored research training to medical graduates and postgraduates. Accordingly, applying institutions should propose a clear path for this.
Proposals from existing eligible institutions should detail how they plan to offer mentored training, and possibly a degree as well at the exit point. Proposals to train graduates and post-graduates from AYUSH, Nursing, Dentistry, Optometry etc. would also be eligible. Accordingly, the programme would also be open to groups of institutions serving these areas to team up with other clinical/public health/basic sciences institutions. We encourage inclusion of institutions from under-served areas in the country. Institutions should widely advertise and seek external applications as well.
Sponsors & Sponsoring Host Institutions
Each of the participating institutions should designate Coordinator, with one Programme Head based at the Lead Institution. The programme head and coordinator should be senior clinical/public health/basic sciences researchers with an established track record of science leadership, research, training and mentoring. The PI and co-PIs within the CRC could also serve as the programme head and coordinator.
Fund Allocation
The programme would be funded on a 1+2 (or 1+3) model. At the end of Year 1, a review would be carried out to assess progress. If successful, the programme would be approved for the remaining years. Annual reports of progress and funds utilization would be required.
At this time, there is no provision for a no-cost extension.
Additional Information
– A commercial organisation
– Applying for, holding, or employed on a research grant from the tobacco industry. Please see our statement on researchers funded by tobacco industry.