Effective communication in Pharmacovigilance | Pharmacovigilance Notes of Unit 3

Effective communication in Pharmacovigilance | Pharmacovigilance Notes of Unit 3

The act of sharing or exchanging information, ideas or feelings.

Principles of Good Pharmacovigilance Communication
 Relate the messages to the audience’s perspective
 Avoid comparisons which trivialize the concern
 Ensure completeness of the message
 Be balanced, honest and sympathetic
 Focus on the specific issue that needs to be handled

 Pay attention to what the audience already knows
 Be respectful of people’s right to be concerned
 Be honest about the limits to scientific knowledge
 Acknowledge uncertainty
 Evaluate the impact of your message

Effective Communication in Pharmacovigilance
One can achieve effective way of communication just by following the principles of good pharmacovigilance communication.

Why do we need to improve our communication?
 Improve patient care and understanding
 Eradicate disease / improve disease control
 Promote transparency and accountability

Why do Communications matter in Drug Safety?
 For Welfare of millions of people worldwide
 To overcome Extreme dangers of failure
 Communications are commonly poorly executed, second-rate and ineffective, so to improve the quality.

Communication Challenges:
 The importance of ADRs and reporting them
 Information about benefit – harm and effectiveness – risk
 Encouraging rational drug use/adherence
 Communicating uncertainty
 Dealing with traditional beliefs and practices
 Involving patients; reaching informed consent
 Preventing or resolving crises

Qualities of Modern Communications:
 Intimacy
 Immediacy and high impact
 Peer-to-peer
 Addressing competition and low attention levels
 Benefits

Planning Communications:
 Today’s modern standards and methods
 Simple, clear message
 Stimulating motivation and offering benefits (including rewards and feedback)
 The use of specialist skills and creative imagination

• Our communications must:
– Be strong and visible
– Be precisely targeted and tested
– Change attitudes, values, behaviour
– Be followed up and revised


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