International Faculty Development programme on Innovation in a Classroom at M. M. College of Pharmacy

International Faculty Development programme on Innovation in a Classroom at M. M. College of Pharmacy in Collaboration with Danish Consortium
FDP College Teachers
Date: 24th-28th June,2019
On this occasion, the speakers are from the Danish Consortium for Academic Craftmanship, Denmark.
- The Danish Consortium is accredited by the Danish Ministry of Education.
- It consists of four publicly recognized and state financedvocational colleges with an aim to develop tailor-made educational programmes in collaboration with international businesses.
- The event is organized with an aim to familiarize the participants with the basics ofInnovation in a Classroom teaching methodology and to enable them to understand applicability of different techniques in different situations.
- This FDP will provide the experienced faculties, an opportunity to present and discuss their views, where as to budding ones it will be a great platform to earn the international exposure, experiences and ideas related with Innovation in a classroom and we hope that this FDP will be useful for your Faculty.