Vacancy for Pharmcist at Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Medical Education Department, Andhra Pradesh

Website Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Medical Education Department

Post Name: Pharmacist Gr II

Vacancy: 09

Qualification: 1. Must possess SSC or its equivalent examination recognized by Govt. of A.P
2. Pass in D. Pharma/ B. Pharma(or)
3. Intermediate vocational course in Pharmacy recognized by Government of AP
4. Must be registered with the A.P. Pharmacy Council.
5. In case of candidate possess both D. Pharma and B. Pharma, the maximum percentage secured in any of the above shall be considered.

Mode of Recruitment: Contract

Recruitment Agency: DSC

Remuneration per month: Rs.32,670/-

AGE: Upper age limit is 42 years. Age will be reckoned as on 01.07.2023 as perG.O.Ms.No.105 GA (Ser-A) dept., dated.27.09.2021 with relaxations as applicable. Relaxations will be as follows:
a. For SC, ST, BC and EWS candidates: 05 (Five) years.
b. For Ex-service Men: 03 (Three) years in addition to the length ofservice in armed forces.
c. For differently abled persons: 10 (Ten) years.
d. Maximum age limit is 52 years with all relaxations put together.

Application Fee : Applicant must enclose a demand draft towards application processing fee in favor of Principal, Govt. Medical College, Paderu and QR Code of respected bank account will be provided for online transaction (Phone pe or Google Pay) to deposit the application fee. Candidate should enter their online transaction id on the application. (if candidate is eligible for more than one post is required to enclose demanddraft for each post and apply for each post separately) as given below :-
(if candidate is eligible for more than one post is required to enclose transaction receipt  for each post and apply for each post separately) as given below:
a) For OC candidates…………………………………………=Rs.150/-
b) BC Candidates………………………………=Rs.100/-
c) For SC/ST/Physically challenged candidates

The tenure for the contract/outsourcing posts is initially one year from the date of joining in the post and may be extended for further period as per the instructions issued by the Government from time to time. The District Selection Committee reserves all the rights to terminate the contract / outsourcing services of any candidate / candidates at any time with one month notice or as per directions of the Government from time to time.

Self-attested copies of the certificates to be enclosed to the filled in application:
1. SSC or its equivalent (for date of birth).
2. Pass certificates of qualifications prescribed for the posts concerned.
3. Proof of appearance for the qualifying examination where ever applicable.
4. Marks memos of all years of qualifying examination or its equivalent. In the absence of marks memos, marks will be calculated as per rules in force.
5. Valid certificate of registration  Contract/outsourcing/honorary service, in the absence of which the candidate will not be given service weightage (proforma is herewith enclosed).
Any other certificates as relevant and applicable.

Note: Candidates must submit clear, visible documents (a to k of para.8), failing which application will be summarily rejected. Applications without the above documents will be summarily rejected.

Important information to candidates:
a. ifselected, he/she should stay at the bonafide Head Quarters compulsorily.
b. If selected and appointed he / she should abide by the Government rules in force regularly from time to time.
c. Candidates are advised to follow official website of the district from time to time for further information.
d. Selected Candidates will be intimated about Counselling through their Registered Mobile Number and Email ID ‘s Submitted in their applications and through NIC Visakhapatnam official website.

a. Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility in all aspects. Any candidate furnishing in-correct information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any
information is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment & future recruitment.
b. The department is vested with duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process and any attempt by any one causing or likely to cause breach of this duty in such manner or such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the department will be sufficient for rendering such questionable means ground for debarment.

a. The decision of the department regarding acceptance or rejection of the candidature, conduct of counseling and at all consequent stages culminating in the selection or otherwise of any candidates shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned under the powers vested with. The department also reserves its right and modify regarding time and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to selection duly intimating details thereof to all concerned as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this process.
b. All interested and eligible candidates shall apply after satisfying themselves that they are eligible as per the terms and conditions of this recruitment notification. Any application sent through any mode other than the prescribed offline mode (physical application) will not be entertained under any circumstances. Submission of application form by the candidate is authentication that he / she has read the notification and shall abide by the terms and conditions laid down there under.

Date of issue of Notification: 30-12-2024
Receiving Filled Applications: 31-12-2024 to 10-01-2025
Scrutiny of applications: 11-01-2025 to 31-01-2025
Publishing Provisional Merit list & Inviting Objections: 01-02-2025 to 04-02-2025
Redressing Grievances: 05-02-2025 to 07-02-2025
Display of Final Merit List: 08-02-2025
Displaying of Provisional Selection List: 13-02-2025
Displaying of Final Selection List: 17-02-2025
Counseling and Issue of Appointment orders: 20-02-2025

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