1. Preamble
The Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development Division (SEED), Department of Science and Technology (DST) is implementing a programme “Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly (TIDE)” to promote applied research and development of assistive technologies for empowerment of Elderly population and Divyangjan in the country. TIDE Programme provides Grant-in-Aid support to Knowledge Institutions, Recognized R&D Labs and S&T based Voluntary Organizations for design and development of Assistive Devices, Processes and Protocols for improved Autonomy, Quality of Life and Social Inclusion of target beneficiaries (Elderly and

2. Objectives of the call

The objective of the call is to invite and support

  • R&D proposals to promote translational research with multidisciplinary approach
    to deliver potential technological solutions for identified problems of elderly and Divyangjan through application of Science and Technology (S&T) Inputs.
  • Proposals on utilising available lab scale know-hows to consolidate research outputs in the field of assistive technologies
  • Proposals to upgrade the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of existing assistive
  • Proposals on import substitutes Government of IndiaMinistry of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology

3. Thematic Areas under the Call

Proposals are invited under six (6) different broad thematic areas as mentioned below.

  • Elderly/Geriatric Sector
  • Visual Disability (including low vision)
  • Intellectual Disabilities (including Learning Disabilities)
  • Hearing & Speech Disabilities
  • Locomotor Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities

An applicant can apply in any of the above themes as Principal Investigator. Applications of an individual would be summarily rejected if he/she applies in more than two thematic
areas or submit more than two proposals in a specific theme as a Principal Investigator under this call.

4. Problems Identified under Thematic Areas
The investigators may submit project proposals on any of the following identified problem statements for finding scalable solutions for improved autonomy, quality of life
and social inclusion of elderly and disabled population

I. Elderly/Geriatric Sector Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

a. Hygiene
o Enable Safe and Regular Bathing/Showering.
o Oral Health (Cost effective dentures/dental implants, low cost materials etc.)
o Prevent, Monitor, and Proper Care for Wounds

b. Nutrition
o Daily Nutritional Requirements & Independent Eating
o Geriatric Foods

c. Medication
o Maintenance of Therapeutic Medication Levels
o Indian Systems of Medicine

3 Integration of Allopathy and Indian Systems of Medicine
o Prevention of Non Communicable Diseases and application of assistive devices
o Non-invasive devices for health care


a. Cognitive Diagnosis and Monitoring
o Tools and Technologies for Assessment of Reasoning, Memory, and Communication Abilities

b. Cognitive Training
o Enhance Baseline Ability
o Improve cognitive functions
o Provide Cognitive Rehabilitation

c. Assistive Devices/Technologies for improving cognitive functionalities Communication and Social Connectivity

a. Hearing
o Diagnostic tools for assessing the levels of hearing impairment
o Technologies and Tools to enhance the hearing capabilities

b. Social Communication Technologies

v. Personal Mobility

a. Assisted Movement
o Provide Assistance with Navigating the Home and Neighborhood.
o Aids to compensate Reduced Strength and Mobility.

b. Monitoring and Safety
o Monitor Movement and Activity.
o Prediction and preventions of Falls.

a. Enable In-Home Rehabilitation.
b. Devices/programmes for fitness of elderly
c. Low power/Low cost assistive devices for rehabilitation
d. Assistive Technologies for Rehabilitation of persons with Non Communicable Diseases

4 Built Environment/Smart Homes

a. Safe kitchens and bathrooms

b. Elderly friendly homes/designs


a. Driving
o Navigation tools
b. Public Transportation
o Navigation and Scheduling.
o Facilitate Access to Public Transportation.
Games and Entertainment
a. App based games
b. Software/tools for improving cognitive functions
Access to Healthcare {Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things(IoT)}
a. Telehealth and Remote monitoring of physical activities
b. Improve Healthcare Access and Quality.
c. Self-Management Support.
II. Visual Disabilities
Independent Living
o Identification of medicines, knowing expiry dates on packages including medicines, identification and use of ATM machines.
o Identification of personal products in public spaces (luggage at airports/shoes at temples etc)
o Identification of hazardous products that should not be touched
o Reading of medical reports and inaccessible medical devices like blood glucose monitor, BP machine, weighing scales etc.
o Menu cards at restaurants are not accessible as wells as apps on zomato etc
o It is difficult to know how much petrol is added in cars at petrol pumps.
5. Inaccessible fitness equipment
o Home appliances more inaccessible (water & electricity meters, air conditioners etc).
o Mobility
 Finding right coach in trains, identifying the number plates, arrival of buses, independent crossing of roads including detection of obstacles)
 Indoor Navigation System (for reaching the right rooms).
 Detection of lifts.
o Accessibility of videos and images with written content
o Greying and whitening of blackboards – in inclusive school person with low vision will be unable to see the blackboard
o Education in Maths and Science: Maths is an optional subject (Technology has to intervene for making Maths accessible)
o Science experiments are not accessible (eg: Chemistry labs don‟t have accessible  labelling, it is difficult to measure the colour changes, and difficult to operate in the lab in general)
o Tactile Graphics and Tactile diagrams.
o There is no or limited text to speech tools in Vernacular languages, making regional reading material inaccessible.
o Unicode for constant font sizes – software should change the earlier code to Unicode
o Notice boards in the schools (especially in inclusive institutes) are not readable
o Tools for independent learning and training at early ages, Accessible and comprehensible toys and tools for independent learning
o For visually impaired teachers it is very difficult to communicate, teach and maintain discipline in the classroom
o Reading LED and LCD screens.
o Offline OCR is required for local/regional languages

6 Hand written documentation in government bodies makes jobs difficult.
o Object identifier and finder inside shops, homes, pharmacies, etc.
o Solutions to improve operations in factories, e.g., tactile safety lines on the ground are not enough, we need solutions for identifying safety zones at different heights.
o Currency counter at retail points
 Point of sales machine are not accessible
 Billing machines are not accessible
 Forged currency tackling is difficult
o While networking in conferences, it is very difficult to reach out to individuals without accessible name cards.
o Job application sites: AI/ML auto segregation may automatically exclude the
people with visually impaired going forward.
o Create accessible attendance machine in offices and institutes.
o Training programmes not accessible to a visually impaired person (NSDC has made it compulsory to make all training programmes accessible)

III. Intellectual Disabilities (including learning disabilities)
Early screening and education of persons with intellectual disabilities
o Development of a unified process/protocol for assessment of cognitive disabilities.
o Technology development for education should include special education, inclusive
education and home based education
o Different stages of learning – specific technologies for early intervention, middle,
primary education and vocational education should be in place
o Development of technologies to learn with enjoyment
o Games/App based learning, project based learning tools
o Pedagogical research and their impact on users.
o Projects related with revision of Curriculum to include Individualized Education Program (IEP).
o Technologies for tracking of child‟s milestones (developmental tracking) for early
screening and individualized educational plan (IEP).
o Technologies for skill assessment.
o Development of multi-sensory games transcending to life skills

7 Development of audio-visual tools for training of trainers.
o Indigenous tools for assessment of cognitive disabilities.
o STEM Kits for different ways/stages of learning.
o Technology to support the teaching of sexuality issues and sex education.

Vocational training, independent living and employment of persons with intellectual disabilities

o Technology based assessment for vocational skills for employment of persons with disabilities (in collaboration with NIEPMD, NSDC etc).
o Functional assessment for learning and targeted training for employments including government jobs.
o Technologies/Tools for safety related solutions, adaptive machinery, cognition based solutions.
o Development of programs for different jobs based on the abilities.
o Development of self-advocacy solutions for vocational engagement and tools to handle social situations.
o Audio visual tools to assist in vocational training and production.
o Audio visual tools to assist in supporting skills like banking habits.
o Development of develop low tech and low skills vocational solutions for persons with severe intellectual disabilities.
o Audio-visual tools for training and awareness related to legal guardianship, financial planning and management of community living of older adults.
Aging and healthcare of persons with intellectual disabilities
o Prevention of complexities and deterioration of health in older age.
o Sustenance of life skills by use of technologies.
o Assisted living solutions by use of technologies for dignified quality of living.
o Technology assisted living in rural areas.
o Universal Design and Assisted services.
o Develop toolkit for screening of mental and physical health.
o Monitoring sleep related issues and other health issues through technologies.

IV. Speech & Hearing Impairment
Speech Impairment
o Develop biomarkers (e.g., genetic, imaging) to support diagnosis, improve
accuracy of prognosis, improve treatments, or monitor response to treatment of
voice, speech, and language impairments.
o Develop models of intervention informed by cognitive, linguistic, biological, or neurophysiological processes, accounting for cultural and linguistic variation.
o Outcomes-based clinical studies and randomized clinical trials to determine the efficacy of proposed interventions for the prevention and treatment of voice, speech, and language impairments.
o Develop programs that prevent the onset or limit the severity of voice, speech, and language impairments for people with genetic, occupational, environmental, or other risks.
o Develop new interventions or approaches for understudied populations (e.g., school-aged, minimally-verbal children with ASD) or conditions (e.g., stuttering and apraxia of speech in children and adults).
o Development of novel augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) approaches and to enhance BCI technologies for communication.
o Graphical representation of announcements in public places like Railways, Airports, metro etc.

o sign language which can understand facial expression, body language, understanding of gestures, colour/culture signs etc.
o Videos with subtitles in sign language
o FAQs of all public utilities places should be translated in sign language and made
available in their websites
o Technology Products to switch speech to text and text to speech between mother
tongue to English – bilingual
o Devices/Technologies for elderly with voice problem due to Parkinson ‟s disease
o Voice Prosthesis
o Neuro Prosthesis

9.Hearing Impairment

o Develop methods that promote the acquisition of literacy skills during childhood and improve the reading and writing abilities of people who are deaf and have
limited literacy.
o Hearing aids that provide noise reduction, directional hearing, and feedback suppression. Binaural hearing aids for improving sound source localization and
spatial separation.
o Cochlear Implants
o Combined use of a hearing aid and a cochlear implant (in opposite ears or the same ear) Pediatric cochlear implants
o Auditory aids for hearing loss due to neurofibromatosis
o Tinnitus
o Auditory Processing
o Technology products for recognizing the normal daily sounds like doorbell, calling name, pressure cooker, etc.
o Tools/technologies to convert recorded audio (including in videos) into text.
o systems to share audio channels between hearing aids, smartphones, remote microphones, and other consumer electronic devices through a non-proprietary,
wireless link with the short latency
o Open protocols for wireless communication of the audio input of hearing aids with other systems, including smartphones, microphones, and other wearable
o Technologies for improved performance in noisy environments, noise-source identification and cancellation, speech localization and recognition, and auditory
(or visual closed-caption) reconstruction.
o Technologies to check hearing levels using automated hearing tests online or
through common smart devices.
o Develop standard, open remote protocols that can be used to adjust and tune hearing assistive devices.
o Design and Development of Low cost hearing aids/implants/algorithms
o Development of low cost sensors/chips

10 V. Locomotor Disabilities

o Wheel Chairs (including standardization and maintenance)
o Motorized Wheel Chairs (Customized and context based, impact analysis of
existing wheel chairs) including motors and spare parts
o Devices/Technologies for turning in bed
o Medical equipment for doing tests for persons with physical disabilities (ex: Mammography)
o Weighing Scales for wheel chair users
o Prosthetics & Orthotics
 Smart Prosthetics and Orthotics Devices
 Multiaxial levers/joints
 Sockets and Suspensions
 Pylons
 Knee joints
 Materials
 Control Systems
 Computer-vision enhanced control
 Peripheral nervous system interface (PNS) control
 Kinematic/kinetic control
 Sensors, Actuators and Embedded Electronics
 Energy harvesting
o Knee-ankle-foot orthosis
o Devices for Diabetic Foot and Leprosy
o Devices for sensory impairment (Diabetic foot/Leprosy)
o Balancing equipment and Lifting devices
o Myoelectric Arms, Transradial Prosthetic Arm, Automatic Leg, E-leg
o Terminal Devices
o FES (Functional Electric Stimulation) Devices
o Robotic exoskeletons
o Devices for Independent Living (Ex: Toiletries)
o Sports and Fitness Equipment for physically challenged
o Equipment for physiotherapy (ex: pressure relieving cushions/resistance bands etc)
o WHO List of assistive devices for physically challenged persons

VI. Multiple Disabilities

o Low cost tools/methods for functional assessment
o Affordable (low cost) Arc Light (combination of otoscope and flash light) meant
for assessing functional assessment of deaf-blind
o Tactile gloves
o Tactile phones with braille output + data card making it a complete
communication device – for speech, vision and hearing impaired
o Expert systems for assessing intellectual ability of children
o Sign language interpreter and tactile interpreter
o Vibration bands for two-way communication
o Technologies for concept development about knowledge (science, maths) such as
water cycle, anatomy, rotations and revolutions
o Models for science practical‟s
o Tactopus or similar device for map reading
o Games and Entertainment
o Tools for accessing webinars
o Switches/Microswitches
o Haptic exploratory strategies in children who have visual impairment and intellectual disabilities
o Microswitches in habilitation programs.
o Speech-generating devices for communication and social development.
o Instructional technology for promoting academic, work, and leisure skills.
o Orientation systems for promoting indoor movement.
o Assistive Technologies for reducing behavioural problems.

12 .scientific outcome of the proposal should have clear end user application and should be scalable.

The given thrust areas are indicative and the investigators, however may also choose any other topic related to the disabilities listed in the RPWD Act 2016.

5. Who Can Apply

1. Universities and other higher educational institutions recognized or regulated by UGC/ AICTE and/or MHRD/ State Education Department
2. Private Academic Universities/ Colleges/ Institutions and Government Aided Colleges recognized or regulated by UGC/ AICTE
3. S&T based voluntary organizations, which are working in the rural areas with legal status or as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 or a trust
registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable or Religious Act 1920
4. R&D Labs/Centres recognized by Government

6. Call Dates

Opening Date: 16th September 2019

Closing Date: 31st October 2019

The last date for submission of online proposals is 31st October 2019, after which
the link for submission of online proposals will automatically become inactive.


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