DST-DFG Joint Call-Indo-German Collaborative Research Activities in Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics

DST-DFG Joint Call-Indo-German Collaborative Research Activities in Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics

DST-DFG Joint Call inviting joint research proposals   2019

Indo-German Collaborative Research Activities in Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics

  • Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Department of Science and Technology, India (DST) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG), DST and DFG are opening the possibility for joint Indo-German research project funding in the fields of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics (DFG review boards 301 to 312).
  • Indo-German teams of researchers are invited to submit joint proposals describing integrated research projects with a duration of up to three years.
  • DST and DFG particularly wish to encourage early career researchers to participate in this international funding opportunity, though the call is open to researchers of all career stages. Proposals may describe
    either mono-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary projects.
  • In the case of interdisciplinary proposals, however, it is important that the central parts of the project fall within the listed fields.
  • These joint proposals in the fields of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics have to be based on a close interaction between the German and Indian research teams and should present
    joint project goals and a joint work plan with balanced contributions from all project partners.

For administrative reasons, it is necessary that an Indo-German team of researchers wishing to respond to this call must submit two proposals in parallel; the Indian partner to DST, the
German partner to DFG. Each proposal must follow the regulations of the respective agency; proposals failing to fulfil all formal requirements will be rejected. Funds to be used by the Indian
side must be requested from DST; funds to be used by the German side must be requested from DFG.

Submission Deadline: 20 November 2019

For more detail: Click Here

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