Coffee: Biological Source,Morphological features,Chemical constituents and Medicinal Uses
GPAT Preparation, Study Material all information about coffee, analgesic property of coffee, anorexic activity of coffee, barley as adulterant of coffee, biological source of coffee, botanical name of coffee, caffeine a major chemica;l constituent of coffee, chemical constituents of coffee, chemical structure of caffeine morphological features of coffee, Coffea Arabica Linn, Coffee prevent snake bite induce coma, Coffee show analgesic activity, Coffee show anaphrodisiac activity, Coffee stimulate diuretic action, common names of coffee, diuretic action of coffee, effect on coffee on CNS. effect of coffee on kidney and other body part, MCQs for GPAT preparation, MCQs for pharmacist exam preparation. MCQs on drug inspector exam preparation, MCQS of pharmacognosy, MCQs on coffee, medicinal uses of coffee, other essential chemical constituents of coffee, property of coffee seed, rubiaceae family example, use of coffee in migraine
COFFEE 1. Biological source: • The biological source of coffee is its dried ripe seed. • The botanical name of coffee is Coffea Arabica Linn. • It belongs to the rubiaceae family. • It is deprived of most of the […]