Coriander Biological Sources, Morphology, Chemical Constituents, Adulterants, Uses and MCQ for GPAT

Coriander Biological Sources, Morphology, Chemical Constituents, Adulterants, Uses and MCQ for GPAT


Synonyms :- 

Kothmir, Dhana, Fructus coriandri, Cilantro

Biological Source :- 

Coriander consists of the dried ripe fruit of coriandrum sativum

Family :- Umbelliferae

Geographical Sources :-

Cultivated in Central and Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia, Hungary, in Africa and India. In India it is cultivated in Maharashtra, U.P., Rajasthan, Jammu, and Kashmir. It is also found in a antiwild state in the east of England.

Cultivation and Collection :-

The coriander seeds are sown in dry weather either in March or in early autumn. Shallow drills, about 1/2 inch deep and 8 inches apart are made and the seeds are sown in it, the rate of germination is slow. The plants are annual herb, which grow to a height of 1 to 3 feet high, slender, and branched. The flowers are in shortly stalked umbels with five to ten rays. The seeds fall as soon as ripe and when the seeds are ripe (about August), the disagreeable odour is produced. Plant is then cut down with sickles; the fruits are collected and dried. During drying fruits develop aromatic smell and the unpleasant odour disappears.

Macroscopical Characters:-

The drugs consists of the whole cremocarp, which is sub-globular in shape, 2 to 5 mm in diameter, straw yellow in colour, and crowned by a short stylopod and five small stiff calyx teeth at the apex. Each mericarp has five wavy, rather inconspicuous primary ridges alternating with four straight prominent secondary ridges and contains one yellowish brown seed. The fruits have an aromatic odour and a spicy taste.

Chemical Constituents:-

The chief constituent of Coriander is volatile oil (0.15 to 1.0%), which contains 65 to 70% of (+)-linalool (coriandrol) and pinene. Coriander also contains a small amount of fixed oil and protein. Lacuna is present in place of vittae because of development of sclerenchyma containing n-decanal which give bad odour.


  • Coriander is commercially used as a spice and condiment and for the production of Coriander oil.
  • Carminative
  • Used as refrigerant
  • Stimulant
  • Diuretic
  • Rheumatism

Adulterant :-

Bombay Ellipsodial shape contain less volatile oil.

MCQ Of Coriander from gpat,niper and other pharmaceutical comptitive exam

1. Which of the following Herb has vitamin A in its leaves ?

A. Fructus carvi

B. Cilantro

C. Feukel

D. Fructus anethi

2. How many percentage volatile oil present in coriander ?

A. 1 to 2%

B.1.5 to 2%

C. 0.15 to 1%

D. 2 to 3%

3. Which sentence is false about coriander ?

A. Coriander is also known as cilantro.

B. The main Constitution of coriander is coriandrol.

C. The drugs consists of the whole cremocarp, which is sub-globular in shape.

D. Coriander is used in treatment of sexual disorders.

4. Which of the following is use of coriander ?

A. Carminative

B. Stimulant

C. Diuretic

D. All of the above

5. In coriander which Chemical Constitution has bad odour ?

A. n-decanal

B. Linalool

C. Vitamin A

D. Pinene

6. Coriander is 

A. Rhizomes

B. Stem bark

C. Ripe Fruit

D. Sperm seed

7. Which months coriander seeds are sown in soil ?

A. March

B. August

C. September

D. November

8. Coriander is cremocarp fruit true or false

A. True

B. False

9. Which of the following is adulterant of coriander ?

A. Orange seeds

B. Bombay Ellipsodial

C. Ghoda sowa

D. Dark variyali

10. Coriander belong to family

A. Liliaceae

B. Solanaceae

C. Umbelliferae

D. Lauraceae

Answer key :- 

1. B

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. C

Reference :-

Textbook of Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry by biren shah & A. K. Seth published by Elsevier ( Pg.No. :- 296)
16 Edition of Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy Text Book ( Pg. No. :- 274)

Coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum) are sourced from Morocco and Russia, angelica root (Archangelica officinalis) from Germany, and orange and lemon peels from Mediterranean countries.

From: Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003

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