Anise Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Uses and MCQ for GPAT

Anise Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Uses and MCQ for GPAT


Synonym :- 

Anise fruit, Sweet Cumin, Chinese anise

Biological Source :- 

Anise consists of dried ripe fruit of pimpinella anisum linn

Family :-


Geographical Source :- 

  • Anise is native of Egypt, Greece, and asia asia and at present is cultivated in European Countries like Spain, Italy, Russia, Germany and Mexico.

Cultivation and Collection :- 

  • The prorogation is done using seeds, the seeds are sown in dry, light soil, On a warm, sunny border during early April.
  • The plant flower in July and ripen in autumn.
  • Once the fruit are ripened the plant are cut down.

Macroscopical Characteristics :-

  • Condition :- Dried cremocarp
  • Colour:- Greyish brown or greyish
  • Odour :- Strong aromatic
  • Taste :- Sweet aromatic taste
  • Surface :-  Rough due to the presence of numerous very short, stiff hairs
  • Shape :- Ovoid Conical

Powdered Anise Fruits :-

  • Colour :- Grey, greenish brown or yellowish brown
  • Odour :- Strong aromatic
  • Taste :-  Sweet strongly aromatic taste

Chemical Constitution :- 

  • Anise fruit yield from 1.5-3.5% of volatile oil containing upto 90% of the phenolic ether trans-anethol which is chiefly responsible for the taste and the smell.
  • Anise fruit also contains protein, coumarin
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Specific Chemical Test :-

  • Powdered + pd + sudan III ⇒ Red colour
  • Red colour is due to presence of volatile oil.

Uses :-

  • Expectorant
  • Carminative
  • Enhance the memory
  • Increase lactation
  • Asthma
  • Whooping cough
  • Nausea

Adulterants :-

Fructus conii


1. Which components is responsible for red colour in specific test for anise powered ?

A. Coumarins

B. Anise aldehyde

C. Anethole

D. None of the above

2. Which of the following herb is use in treatment of whooping cough ?

A. Dill

B. Neem

C. Fennel

D. Pimpinella anisum linn

3. Anise is belong to family

A. Umbelliferae

B. Solanaceae

C. Liliaceae

D. Ginsengacea

4. Which of the following is adulterant of anise ?

A. Gossypium inrbadense

B. Fructus conii

C. Coriandrol sativum

D. Fructus conil

5. Which reagent are use in specific test for anise ?

A. Sudan III

B. H2SO4


D. None of the above

6. Sweet Cumin is synonym of

A. Dill

B. Fennel

C. Anise

D. Coriander

7. Which of the following is not use of anise ?

A. Asthma

B. Constipation

C. Whooping cough

D. Expectorant

8. Which sentence is false about anise ?

A. Anise has aromatic odour.

B. Anise has sweet aromatic taste.

C. It is ovoid conical shape.

D. It is wavy shape.

9. Which sentence is true about anise powered ?

A. It has brown colour.

B. Anise powder is sour in taste.

C. Anise powder is sweet aromatic in taste.

D. It has bad odour.

10. How many percentage fixed oil present in anise fruit ?

A. 8-5%

B. 20-40%

C. 8-10%

D. 10-12%

Answer key

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. C

10. C

Reference :- 

Textbook of Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry by biren shah & A. K. Seth published by Elsevier ( Pg.No. :- 302 )
16 Edition of Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy Text Book ( Pg. No. :- 275)

Anise (Pimpinella anisum L.), a dominant spice and traditional medicinal herb for both food and medicinal purposes

This information is taken  only for education purpose.


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