Orange Peel Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Uses and MCQ for GPAT

Orange Peel Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Uses and MCQ for GPAT

Orange Peel


Orange cortex, Bigarade orange, Seville orange, china Orange, Bitter orange peel

Biological Source :- 

Orange Peel is consists of fresh and dried outer part of the pericarp of citrus aurantium Linn.

Family :-  Rutaceae

It contain not less than 2.5% of volatile oil.

Collection and Preparation :- 

  • Orange Peel is cultivated in Mediterranean countries and England.
  • The peel should be removed with as little of white ‘ zest’ as possible.
  • Hand cut English dried peel is most esteemed.
  • The peel may be removed in four quarters or in spiral band.
  • It is also found in thin strips similar to those found in marmalade cut by machines. They so called maltese is of this type which is known as ‘gelatin cut’.

Morphology :- 

Colour :-  Dark orange reddish

Odour :-  Aromatic

Taste :-  Aromatic and bitter

Size :-  The strips (or) the ribbons are of varying in size and shape. They are about 3 to 4 mm in thickness.

Fracture :- Short

Chemical Constitution :- 

  • Limanene (90%)
  • Citral (4%)
  • Vitamin C
  • Pectin
  • Hesperidine
  • Aurantimarin and Aurantimaric acid ( Both are glycoside and responsible for bitter)

Chemical Test :- 

Shinoda Test :-   A small quantity of test residue is dissolved in 5 ml of ethanol (95% v/v) and treated with few drop of conc. Hcl and 0.5 g of magnesium metal, pink or red colour is developed.

Uses :- 

  • Stomachic
  • Aromatic
  • Carminative
  • Flavouring agent in oral Liquid preparation
  • Bitter Tonic


1. Which of the following is specific test for orange peel ?

A. Stromium test

B. Brontager test

C. Shinado test

D. Shinoda Test

2. Orange Peel belong to family 

A. Liliaceae

B. Rutaceae

C. Solanaceae

D. Umbellifera

3. How many percentage of volatile oil present in orange peel ?

A. 2.5%

B. 1.5%

C. 0.5%

D. 1%

4. Which of the following Chemical Constitution present in orange peel has 90 percentage ?

A. Citral

B. Vitamin C

C. Pectin

D. Limanene

5. Which sentence is false about Orange Peel ?

A. Orange Peel is also known as china Orange.

B. It contain 2.5 % or more volatile oil.

C. It has calcium oxalate Crystal.

D. It has short fracture.

6. Which of the following is used as flavouring agent in oral Liquid preparation ?

A. Orange Peel

B. Rose

C. Lemon peel

D. All of the above

7. Which of the following is not a use of orange peel ?

A. Carminative

B. Aromatic

C. Flavouring agent

D. Asthma

8. Which of the following is morphology characteristics of the orange peel ?

A. It has yellow colour.

B. It is sour in taste.

C. It is aromatic and bitter taste.

D. It has bitter odour.

9. Aurantimarin is 

A. Alkaloids

B. Glycoside

C. Flavanoids

D. None of the above

10. Orange Peel is bitter Tonic.

A. True

B. False

Answer Key :- 

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. B

10. A

Reference :- 

16 edition of trease and evans Pharmacognosy Text Book ( 279)

Citrus peel as a source of functional ingredient: A review

This information is taken from only education purpose.


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