Fennel Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Uses and MCQ for GPAT Exam

Fennel Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Uses and MCQ for GPAT Exam


Synonym :- Feukel, Fructus foeniculum

Biological Source :- It is consists of dried ripe fruit of foeniculum vulgare

Family :- Umbellifera

Characteristics of Fennel Herb :- 

  • Aromatic perennial herb
  • Stout stems
  • 4 to 5 feet or more in height, erect and cylindrical
  • Much branched bearing leaves

Morphology of Fennel Seed :-

  • Fennel seed is a schizocarp.
  • Oval in shape with five ridges
  • Seed are light green to grey colour.
  • Seed are 4-7 mm long and 0.2 mm diameter.
  • It is oblong or curved shape.

Chemical Constituents :-

  • Anethole (Responsible for Sweet taste, 50 -60%)
  • Fenchone ( Camphoraceous odour, bicyclic terpenes and optically active)
  • Anisole (optical inactive)
  • Estragol ( optical inactive)

Uses :- 

Aromatic, Carminative, stomachic, Reduces water retention and suppress appetite


1. Which Chemical Constituent is responsible for sweet taste of fennel ?

A. Estragol

B. Anisole

C. Anethole

D. Fenchone

2. Which of the following is not a use of fennel ?

A. It is use as aromatic.

B. It is use as Carminative.

C. It is suppress appetite.

D. It is use in constipation.

3. Fennel belong to family 

A. Leguminosae

B. Araliaceae

C. Umbellifera

D. Chenopodiaceae

4. Which Sentence is false about fennel ?

A.Fennel seed is a schizocarp.

B.Seed are 4-7 mm long and 0.2 mm diameter.

C. It is Aromatic perennial herb.

D. Fenchone is responsible for sweet taste of fennel.

5. How many mm average diameter and length of fennel seeds generally found ?

A. 0.2cm and 4-7cm

B. 0.2 mm and 4-7mm

C. 0.2 m and 4-7m

D. 0.2Nm and 4-7Nm

6. Which of the following Compound is optical active ?

A. Estragol

B. Anisole

C. Anethole

D. Fenchone

7. Fennel is 

A. Ripe Fruit

B. Drupe Fruit

C.  Berry fruit

D. Aggregate fruit

8. Which of the following is synonym of fennel ?

A.  None of the above

B. C and D

C. Feukel

D. Fructus foeniculum

9. Which of the following is herb characteristics of fennel ?

A. Fenchone is responsible for sweet taste of fennel.

B.Fennel seed is a schizocarp.

C.Seed are light green to grey colour.

D. It has 4 to 5 feet or more in height, erect and cylindrical.

10. Which of the following Compound is optical inactive ?

A. Estragol

B. Anisole

C. A and B

D. None of the above

Answer key

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. D

10. C

Reference :- 

16th edition of trease and evans Pharmacognosy (pg.no. 276)

Foeniculum vulgare: A comprehensive review of its traditional use, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and safety


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