Thevetia: Biological Sources,Morphological features, Medicinal Uses and MCQs

Thevetia: Biological Sources,Morphological features, Medicinal Uses and MCQs


1. Biological sources:

• The botanical name of thevetia is Thevetia nerifolia.
• The biological source of thevetia is its dried seeds.
• It belongs to the apocynaceae plant family.
• It is also knows as yellow oleander, lucky nut tree and trumphet flower.

2. Morphological features:

• The color is green to greenish black.
• It has no specific odour.
• The taste is bitter.
• The shape is oblong.
• It is a flowering plant.
• It is evergreen shrub or small tree.
• Leaves are willow like and linear-lanceolate.
• Leaves are covered with waxy coating i.e. to reduce water loss.
• The shape of flower is long funnel shaped .
• Flowers are in few-flowered terminal clusters.
• The color of fruit is deep red to black .
• It is upto 8 m tall.
• Leaves are arranged spirally, simple and entire.
• Leaves are almost sessile and stipules are absent.
• Apex is long acuminate and leathery.
• Inflorescence a terminal or seemingly axillary cyme.
• Flowers are bisexual and regular and faintly fragrant.
• Pedicels are 1-2 cm long and sepals ovate.
• Corolla tube is of trumpet shaped and 35-45 cm long.
• Seedling with epigeal germination.
• Seeds are obovoid.
• Seeds are flattened.

3. Chemical constituents:

• It is mainly contain cardioactive glycosides which are thevetin A and B.
• Thevetin B is also known as cerebroside.
• It also contain peruvoside, nessifolin and thevenenin(ruvoside).
• It also contain sugar as chemical constituent in the form of L-thevetose and D- glucose.

4. Uses:

• Paste of roots are applied on the tumors.
• Seed part is used in the treatment of rheumatism and dropsy.
• It also have abortifacient and puragative properties.
• They may be toxic in nature.
• It is also used as insecticide, fungicide and bactericides.
• Its therapeutic effect is high as compare to the digoxin.
• It have gastric or cardiac toxic effects .
• Its tincture is used as a cathartic and emetic .
• It used as heart strengthening.
• It also has anti-termite property.
• It has a good effect on intermittent fevers.
• It is used to treat amenorrhoea.
• It is used as eye drops or nasal drops in violent headaches.
• It leaves are crushed to treat cold.
• Its seed oil applied externally to treat skin infections.
• Roots are used to treat snakebites.
• It is majorly used in pest control.

5. Adulterants:

Peruvoside is the common adulterant of thevetia.


1. What is the botanical name of thevetia?
(a) Thevetia nerifolia
(b) Lobularia maritima
(c) Liatris spicata
(d) Basella rubra

2. What is the biological source of thevetia?
(a) Leaves
(b) Seeds
(c) Flowers
(d) Bark

3. Match the following with respect to the chemical constituent of plant.
I. Nux vomica                                               A. Cocaine
II. Coca                                                         B.vincristine
III. Vinca                                                     C. strychnine
IV. Thevetia                                                D. Thevetin A

4. Choose incorrect statement with respect to the medicinal use of the plants.
i. Duboisea is used to treat asthma.
ii. Nux vomica is used to treat constipation.
iii. Thevetia is used to treat cancer.
iv. Cascara is used to treat constipation.
(a) Both i and ii
(b) Only iii
(c) Both ii and iii
(d) Only iv

5. What is the chief chemical constituent of thevetia?
(a) Thevetin A
(b) Ephedrine
(c) Vincristine
(d) Cocaine

6. Leaves of thevetia plant are
(a) Sessile
(b) Stipules are absent
(c) Liner-lanceolate
(d) All of the above

7. Thevetia used in the treatment of
(a) Jaundice
(b) Rheumatism
(c) Caner
(d) All of the above

8. What is the common adulterant of thevetia?
(a) Indigo dye
(b) Methylene blue dye
(c) Crystal violet
(d) Peruvoside

9. Thevetia belongs to the which plant family?
(a) Apocynaceae
(b) Rubiaceae
(c) Solaniaceae
(d) Loganiaceae

10. Thevetia used as
(a) Pest controller
(b) Anti-inflammatory
(c) Anti-histaminic
(d) All of the above


1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (c)
4. (b)
5. (a)
6. (d)
7. (b)
8. (d)
9. (a)
10. (a)


Evans W.C, Editors. Trease and Evans Pharmacognosy , New York, Saunders Elsevier; 2009, p.322,329.

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