

FERMENTER STANDARD OPERTAING PROCEDURE 1. Check the panel switch board connected to the power cable. 2. Check RPM cable connected to the motor. 3. Check all the cables such as ph, DO2 and Temp sensor which are connected to the […]

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SOP of Desiccator

DESICCATOR STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 1. Clean the desiccator. 2. Place at room temperature and check drying agent (CaCl2) below the ceramic disk. 3. Keep the sample on ceramic disk. 4. Close the lid and properly closed by the help of […]

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SOP-Antibiotic Zone Reader

ANTIBIOTIC ZONE READER STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Connect the three pin plug to the main supply. Switch “ON” the main switch. Digital display will be showing some reading. Switch “ON” the Lamp. Turn the right side ‘Slider knob’ fully anticlockwise. Keep […]

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BOTTLE WASHING MACHINE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 1. Insert the plug into the main switch. 2. Take a bottle to be washed with cleansing agent. 3. Switch on the machine by ON/OFF button. 4. Wash the bottle by inserting the rotating […]

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SOP-Ball Mill

BALL MILL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 1. Open one side of vessel by opening the screw situated over the both sides of the vessel and remove the cap from vessel. 2. Pour the ingredients desired no. and size of balls into the vessel. […]

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SOP -Tail Flick Analgesiometer

ANALGRSIOMETER (TAIL FLICK METHOD) STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 1. Weigh and number the Rat/Mice. 2. Turn on the equipment. 3. Take the basal reaction time to radiant heat by placing the tip(last 1-2 cm)of the tail on the radiant heat source. […]

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