Chemical Test for Terpinoids (Include General & Specific Test) + MCQ with Answer

Chemical Test for Terpinoids (Include General & Specific Test) + MCQ with Answer

Definition of  Terpinoids :- 

Terpenoids  also known as isoprenoids, are the most numerous and structurally diverse natural products found in many plants.

Chemical Test For Terpenoid :- 

  1. Liberman-Burchard Test :-  Drug is mixed with acetic anhydride. To this mixture conc. Sulfuric acid is added. There forms two layers with browning at junction. Upper Layer with green colour represent steroids whereas lower layer represent Terpenoid red colour.
  2. Salwoski Test :- Drug is mixed with con. Sulfuric acid. Upper layer is of steroids which are red in colour and lower layer yellow colour layer represent tri terpenoid.
  3. Sulphur Powder Test :- If sulfur is added to the mixture of drug, sulfur sinks down the mixture.
  4. Trichloroacetic acid Test :- Coloured PPT
  5. Tetranitro Methane Test :- Yellow PPT
  6. Zimmer mann Test:-  Meta dinitro benzene solutions was added to the alcoholic solution of drug containing alkali, on heating → Violet Colour (Keto-Steroid)

Specific Test for Terpenoid :-

  1. Bitter Orange Peel :- Solutions of recently express orange oil in dehydrated alcohol is neutral to moistened litmus paper.
  2. Camphor Oil :-  A drop of solutions of Vanillin (1:100) and H2SO4 when added to powdered natural camphor, produce immediately a yellow colour changing to red, violet and finally blue Colour.
  3. Chenopodium Oil :-  Heat 1 ml chinopodium oil in a test tube with a piece of porcelain. A deep golden yellow colour is produced.
  4. Cinnamon Oil :- On addition of a drop of FeCl3 solution to a drop of volatile oil produces a pale green colour. With ferric chloride, cinnamic aldehyde give brown colour and Eugenol give blue colour result the formation of pale green colour.
  5. Eucalyptus Oil :- Mix 2.5 ml of Eucalyptus oil is with 5 ml of purified petroleum benzene add 5 ml of solutions of sodium nitrite. Then add 5 ml of glacial acetic acid crystal of phellandrene nitrite do not form in the mixture within 10 minutes.
  6. Rasna :-  Shake About 1g finely powdered rasna with 60% alcohol for 10 minutes and filter put a drop on filter paper and dry it. Examine the same under UV light, a bright blusih white florescence is observed.


1. Which Colour layer is represented terpenoid in Liberman-Burchard Test ?

A. Green Colour

B. Blue Colour

C. Red Colour

D. White Colour

2. In Rasna Chemical Test Which type of    florescence is observed ?

A. Red

B. Black

C. Yellow

D. Blue

3. Which Reagent is use in cinnamon oil ?


B. H2SO4

C. FeCl3

D. Br2 water

4. Which Colour layer is represented terpenoid in Salwoski Test ?

A. Green Colour

B. Blue Colour

C. Red Colour

D. Yellow Colour

5. Which Colour layer is represented Steroids in Salwoski Test ?

A. Green Colour

B. Blue Colour

C. Red Colour

D. Yellow Colour

6. Which test is use to detect Keto-Steroid ?

A.Zimmer Mann Test

B. Salwoski Test

C. Liberman-Burchard Test

D. Sulphur Powder Test

7. Terpenoid + Tetranitro Methane =

A. Green PPT

B. Yellow PPT

C. Red PPT

D. White PPT

8. When Chenopodium Oil is heat on test tube with a piece of porcelain it is produces colour is 

A. Pale yellow

B. Golden yellow

C. Blue Colour

D. Red colour

9. Cinnamon oil + FeCl3 =

A. Pale Green

B. Pale Yellow

C. Blue

D. Black

10.Which Colour layer is represented Steroids in Salwoski Test ?

A. Green Colour

B. Blue Colour

C. Red Colour

D. White Colour

Answer Key :-

1. C

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. B

9. A

10. C

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Reference :- 

55 Edition of pharmacognosy by C.K.KOKATE, A. P. PUROHIT AND S.B.GOKHALE (PG.NO. 14.01-14.156)



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