Guggul Lipids Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Use and MCQ for GPAT EXAM

Guggul Lipids Biological Sources, Morphological Features, Chemical Constituents, Use and MCQ for GPAT EXAM


  • Gum gugul or Gugulipid is the oleo-gum-resin, secreted by the myrrh tree, Commiphora mukul, the incision is the bark of the trunk and main branches.
  • Gugulipid I.P. :- is the ethyl acetate extractive of guggul resin and is required to contain not less than 4.0 percentage and not more than 6.0 percentage of gugulsterones (Z and E )
  • Family :- Burseracease

Description :- 

  • Good Quality myrrh occurs in vermiculated, translucent, pale yellow or greenish fragments of aromatic or bitter taste and of balsamic odor.
  • Gugulipid I.P. is brown, viscous liquid and is soluble in ethanol (95%), in methanol, in ethyl acetate and in chloroform.

Chemical Constituents:- 

  • Extraction of oleo-gum-resin with ethyl acetate yields insoluble portion having gum and the soluble resinous portion.
  • Further fractionation of insoluble into acidic, basic and neutral fractions yielded 4%, 1% and 95 % of the resinous matter respectively.
  • Neutral fraction on separation yielded ketonic and Non-ketonic portion.
  • The ketonic portion contain steroidal compound. Of these guggulsterones E and Z are responsible for hypolipidemic activity.

Pharmacological Action :-

  1. Inhibition of cholesterol synthesis.
  2. Enhancing metabolism of cholesterol by liver.
  3. Promoting excretion of bile salts in feces, thereby reducing intestinal absorption of cholesterol
  4. Stimulation of thyroid hormone which increase the breakdown of lipids.
  5. Decreas LDL and VLDL cholesterol and increase the HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio.

Uses :- 

Gugulipid are used in the treatment of mixed hyperlipidemia, hypertroglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia. Traditionally, it has been used in the treatment of Rheumatism, acne vulgaris and obesity.


1. In which solvent Gugulipid is insoluble ?

A. Methanol

B. Water

C. Ethanol

D. Chloroform

2. Which compound is responsible for hypolipidemic activity ?

A. Veratramine

B. Solanidine

C. Guggulsterones

D. Holarrhimine

3. Gugulipid is

A. Ole-resin-gum

B. Oleo-gum-resin

C. gum-ole-resin

D. Resin-gum

4. Which herb is use in treatment of Rheumatism?

A. Linseed Oil

B. Gugulipid

C. Cod liver oil

D. Shark liver oil

5. Which sentence is false about Gugulipid ?

A. Gugulipid is brown in colour.

B. Gugulipid is viscous liquid.

C. Gugulipid is soluble in water.

D. Gugulipid is soluble in ethanol.

6. How many maximum percentage of gugulsterones present in Gugulipid?

A. NMT 2

B. NMT 3

C. NMT 5

D. NMT 6

7. Gugulipid is produces pharmacological action

A. Decrease HDL , Decrease VLDL, Decrease LDL

B. Increase HDL , Decrease VLDL, Decrease LDL

C. Increase HDL , increase VLDL, Decrease LDL

D. Increase HDL , Decrease VLDL, Increase LDL

8. Which of the following is use of Gugulipid ?

A. Hyperlipidemia

B. Hypertroglyceridemia

C. Rheumatism

D. All of the above

9. Which sentence is true about Gugulipid ?

A. Gum Gugul is the secreted by the myrrh tree.

B. Gugulipid is soluble in water.

C. Gugulipid is the methyl acetate extractive.

D. Gugulipid is yellow in colour.

10. Gugulipid belong to family

A. Rubiaceae

B. Liliaceae

C. Solanaceae

D. Burseracease

Answer key

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. B

5. C

6. D

7. B

8. D

9. A

10. D

Reference :-

Indian medicine plant book volume :- 2

Gugulipid : A natural Cholesterol lowering agent review article from europe pmc

This all information take from only education purpose

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