Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and Agriculture Systems at Abhilashi University, Chail-Chowk, Mandi, H.P.

Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and Agriculture Systems at Abhilashi University, Chail-Chowk, Mandi, H.P.

Date of seminar  :   23/03/2022 to 23/03/2022

Venue :  School of Pharmacy, Abhilashi University, Chail-Chowk, Mandi, H.P.

Organizer :  School of Pharmacy, Abhilashi University

Organizing secretary :  Dr. Abhishek Soni, 7737288065

Email Id of conference :

Abstract submission last date :  March 19, 2022

For more information :  Click Here

For Broucher Link  :  Click Here

Description  :  

The pharmaceutical/Healthcare business has seen significant developments in recent years, which have improved our understanding of drug discovery and development; nonetheless, the industry still faces numerous challenges. The time it takes from a lab discovery to a market-approved treatment is a decade-long process of laboratory research, animal model evaluation, and human clinical trials that can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Our conference will discuss the most recent scientific breakthroughs, explore novel technologies and approaches that can be used to overcome pharmaceutical/ healthcare/ agriculture challenges, and bring together scientific communities to highlight future opportunities for novel therapeutic discovery and development. The moment to invest is now. Now is the time to invest and join us in March for School of Pharmacy, Abhilashi University inaugural Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and Agricultural Systems Conference.

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