e-FAI APTI Odisha on Road Ahead: Scope of Online Teaching and Advancement-Faculty Advancement Initiative Programme

e-FAI APTI Odisha on Road Ahead: Scope of Online Teaching and Advancement-Faculty Advancement Initiative Programme

Date of seminar  :   26/05/2020 to 29/05/2020

Venue :  Digital Platform

Organizer :  Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) Odisha

Organizing secretary :  Dr. Mihir Kumar Kar.

Email Id of conference :   aptiodisha2016@gmail.com

Abstract submission last date :  May 25, 2020

For more information :  Click Here

For Broucher Link  :  Click Here

Description  :  

APTI Odisha State Branch is going to organize a 4-day e-Faculty Advancement Initiative on the theme “Road Ahead: Scope of Online Teaching and Advancement” from 26th to 29th May 2020, in order to expose and sensitize Faculties about the recent advancement in the Research & Teaching Methodology.

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