Category: NIPER JEE Examination (Masters/Ph.D. Admission)

Carbohydrates: Classification, Chemical nature, Biological role, digestion and absorption and MCQs

Carbohydrates are defined as aldehyde or ketone derivative of polyhydroxy ( more than one OH group)alcohols; or compounds that form these derivatives on hydrolysis. Carbohydrates are also known as saccharides. The empirical formula of many simple carbohydrates is [CH2O]n; while […]

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EVALUATION OF EFFIICIENCY OF STERILIZATION METHODS including effectiveness of chemical agents, sterilizing controls and related MCQs

EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF STERILIZATION METHODS I. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the chemical agents used for sterilization: a. The phenol coefficient By taking phenol as a standard disinfectant, the activity of other disinfectants is measured and compared with the […]

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