Category: How to prepare for gpat

Shuttle System for Oxidation of Extra Mitochondrial NADH and MCQs with answer for GPAT, NEET PG, NET , GATE

Most of the NADH and FADH2 which enters the mitochondrial ETC, arises from the kreb’s cycle or beta-oxidation of fatty acids. Now since the inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to the cytoplasmic NADH, so that’ why the NADH generated through […]

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Phospholipid Metabolism: Synthesis of Phospholipid and MCQs for GPAT, NEET, CSIR NET, UPSC, SSC

Phospholipids are major types of membrane lipids. The two types of phospholipids are Those who have glycerol as the alcohol and are known as glycerophospholipids or phospho-glycerides, examples include: Phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylinositol Phosphatidylcholine Phosphatidylethanolamine Cardiolipin Those who contain sphingosine as an […]

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Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism and MCQs for NEET, GPAT, CSIR NET, GATE UPSC Exams

1. Deficiency of Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) G-6-PD catalyzes the first step of pentose phosphate pathway which produces NADPH. Due to the defect, all the functions performed by the NADPH are altered. Genetics defects of G-6-PD is common in people of […]

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Metabolism of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine and MCQs for GPAT, NEET, UPSC, SSC,GATE and Recruitment exams

Phenylalanine and Tyrosine are aromatic amino acid. Phenylalanine is nutritionally important amino acid but tyrosine is not, that is tyrosine can be synthesized in the body from phenylalanine. Catabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine Metabolism of phenylalanine is initiated by its […]

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