Category: UGC NET JRF Exam

Micromeretics and powder rheology: Methods of determining particle size and volume – Sedimentation and Coulter Counter method and MCQs for GPAT, NIPER, Pharmacist and Drug Inspector exam

Sedimentation Technique: Equivalent diameter: Stokes’ diameter; frictional drag diameter—a sphere having an equivalent drag force to a particle of the same diameter in the same fluid at the same velocity. Range of analysis: 1 μm to about 200 μm. It […]

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Matter, properties of matter: Latent heat and vapour pressure, sublimation – critical point, eutectic mixtures and MCQs for GPAT, NIPER, Pharmacist and Drug Inspector exam

Latent heat The quantity of heat absorbed or released by a substance undergoing a change of state. Also called heat of transformation. In the case of water, 1 gram of ice at 0⁰C requires 336 joules of energy to convert […]

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Matter: Relative humidity, liquid complexes, liquid crystals, glasses state and MCQs for GPAT, NIPER, Pharmacist and Drug Inspector exam

Relative humidity: It is a ratio, expressed in percent, the amount of atmospheric moisture present relative to the amount that would be present if the air is saturated. Since the later amount is dependent on temperature. Relative humidity is a […]

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